There's big money to be made in K-12 education, especially in the technology area. So says the New Schools Venture Fund which bankrolls much of what passes for school reform these days.
According to the NSVF blog,
"Venture investment in K12 education technology was up 6% in 2013 totaling $452 million."
But not everyone's playing the game,
says WSJ. The main party-pooper is newly-elected N.Y. Mayor Bill de Blasio who has the privateers and charter operators worried sick. BdB is even threatening to make them pay rent.
Operators of New York City's publicly financed, privately run charter schools are bracing for changes promised by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio — including the possibility of having to pay rent — that they worry could reverse 12 years of growth enjoyed under Mayor
Moskowitz makes $475,244/year |
Michael Bloomberg.
Bloomberg's charter patronage has meant windfalls for the operators including huge salaries. According to the Journal:
Critics note that more than a dozen New York City charter school executives are paid more than current New York City Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott's $212,614. Harlem Village Academies chief Deborah Kenny earns $499,146. Eva Moskowitz, a former City Council member and founder of Success Academies, earns $475,244.
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